Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Meeting with WaterAid

Wednesday, May 5
Today, we met with WaterAid, a British based International NGO working in Madhya Pradesh with a similar development model as Water For People. Their lessons learned developing local partners was very useful information.
One of the water issues that we are learning about is the social inequalities of water and sanitation delivery in the rural areas. The higher caste person will have the right to take water first. Also at the source the lower caste person will ensure that his vessel does not touch the vessel of the higher caste. The animals will drink water first before the members of lower caste groups will be allowed to take water. During times of acute water shortage, the members of upper caste groups do not allow access to the members of the lower caste to common and private water sources within their neighborhood or on their fields. Consequently the lower caste households have to access water source that is at a longer distance.
Our study group is thankful that we all continue to be healthy with no discomfort. We plan to visit the state government tomorrow then visit a rural village water project on Friday.

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